April 4, 2009

Canon SD880 Ultra Compact Camera Review

Although I do not consider myself an expert I have been using a camera for many years and am used to good quality SLR products. My intent with this camera was a compromise as I have found that I have lost many an opportunity to take that perfect shot simply because I did not have my camera with me when I needed it. I therefore wanted something that I could get into the habit of having with me at all times and still take noteworthy pictures and produce large format prints. A good full range zoom from wide angle to nailing more distant scenes along with a good macro function for close-ups and the ability to take a reasonable picture in difficult lighting situations are therefore all pre-requisites for a take everywhere camera. The ability to capture the odd video sequence, a function only recently available with the latest compact cameras being a handy and very desirable function.
I have to say that not only am I knocked out with the cameras performance in the above areas. I also found that the camera is delightfully easy to use in both a point and snap mode as well as when setting a more complex shot. The macro mode taking remarkably clear and focused shots, in one case taking a picture of an eye that was so magnified and clear that features not visible without a strong magnifying lens were apparent. With the addition of a 16Gb memory card and a spare battery I can take literally thousands of quality pictures and up to four hours of video whilst out and about.
Most cameras come by default supplied with just a small amount of memory, given the low cost of SD memory cards it is relatively inexpensive and well worth while to buy an additional card. SD cards are now readily available at up to 16Gb which will hold up to 12,000 high quality pictures.
On the negative side, I miss not having an eyepiece though I am finding that I am getting used to using a screen exclusively so that may be just habit. It would also have been nice to have a wide screen video mode as it has for still photos.
All in all, I am very impressed with this camera, now take it everywhere with me and have increased my output of great shots five fold as a result.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timothy_Harpers